On scratchboard. Drawn around 1988. That's a long time ago, kids. This page originally had narration, but I photoshopped it out 'cuz it seemed redundant.
This blog is primarily a place for me to display a bunch of Keef and Bruno related artwork, from unused process sketches to final published pages and panels. It's way fun, and it's motivating me to get back to work on some unfinished K&B bidness. If you like what you see, "gimme some sugah." Let me know, let your pals know, and come back often.
After a lengthy career in animation, I currently make rent by tutoring college writing at SUNY/Empire State College, where I am also attending grad school. Other interests are obssessive art, playing trad jazz, and writing retro-Americana pop songs. And I try my best to address the demands of my creative progeny, Keef and Bruno.